Esker, a cloud platform for artificial intelligence (AI)-powered process automation solutions in finance, procurement, and customer service, has unveiled a collaboration with Teknion.

The Canadian furniture manufacturer and design company aims to revolutionise its operational processes by harnessing Esker’s cutting-edge accounts payable (AP) automation solution.

Teknion’s decision to partner with Esker is rooted in the pursuit of heightened operational efficiencies across its global spectrum. The accounts payable automation solution, a cornerstone of Esker’s offerings, will play a pivotal role in streamlining Teknion’s systems and ERP workflows on a worldwide scale.

Previously employing AP automation in its corporate office’s shared services function, Teknion recognised the challenges posed by manual processes in North America, Asia, and Europe. This led to the quest for a robust, global, and scalable tool, resulting in the selection of Esker to seamlessly integrate across all of Teknion’s global sites.

Teknion senior vice president and chief financial officer Yin Wong said: “With the company expanding and demand for products growing, Teknion further wanted a solution that leverages automation and artificial intelligence by bringing together the information from multiple ERPs to continue our financial systems transformation.

“After careful evaluation, Teknion found Esker to be the ideal choice, meeting each of our unique needs and objectives effectively.”

By embracing Esker’s AI-driven technology, Teknion not only anticipates enhanced efficiency within its AP department but also a strengthened overall partnership value.

The move strategically positions Teknion to stay ahead in a competitive landscape where traditional manual tasks are increasingly challenging to manage and qualified workers are harder to retain.

Esker’s automation technology promises a significant advantage, alleviating the workload for Teknion’s internal AP team and fostering a more agile and competitive operational environment.

Esker US chief operating officer Steve Smith said: “Teknion’s recognition of the transformative power of digital transformation exemplifies a progressive mindset that not only empowers their organisation, but also serves as an inspirational model for other industry players, both in and out of Canada.

“We’re proud to stand by their side as they embark on their digital journey, confident that Teknion’s commitment to innovation and digital transformation will propel them toward continued remarkable growth and success.”