J.P. Morgan, through its securities services division, has announced the launch of sustainable investment data solutions for institutional investors.
The solutions are available through Fusion by J.P. Morgan, a cloud-native data technology solution that provides institutional investors with analytics, data management, and reporting.
According to J.P. Morgan, the new offering will help investors easily get value from sustainable investment data delivered by providers through technology-enabled management, normalisation, calculation, and screening capabilities.
Besides, the solutions will give investors the freedom to manage, screen and develop tailored metrics with easy-to-use tools along with offering rapid and easy access to normalised data across providers.
J.P. Morgan data solutions head Gerard Francis said: “Data for sustainable investing is particularly challenging given its scale, inconsistency, and incompleteness.
“We are pleased to work with our providers to deliver a unique and transformative solution for investors. Fusion combines data, technology, and service at scale, to enable investors to extract value in minutes instead of months.”
Furthermore, sustainable investment data solutions will allow investors to load and manage multiple company hierarchies and define their data propagation rules that are used for generating new datasets.
According to J.P. Morgan, its Fusion solution bolsters the capability of investors to carry out stock-selection, compliance monitoring, analysis, scoring, and reporting.
Through partnerships with data providers including Equileap, FactSet, Bloomberg, ISS ESG, Revelio Labs, MSCI, RepRisk, S&P Global, and Sustainalytics, Fusion is said to have improved the sustainable investment process.
Fusion is claimed to provide a highly differentiated and cost-effective solution for investors.
In December 2022, J.P. Morgan Wealth Management introduced a free digital money coach called J.P. Morgan Wealth Plan to help customers with their finances.