KlariVis, a fast-growing enterprise dashboard and analytics solution for the financial services industry, today announced its new relationship with Citizens Bank of Edmond as the bank’s enterprise data partner.
Citizens Bank of Edmond is fiercely devoted to delivering outstanding service to its customers and communities throughout Oklahoma, centered on a highly personalized approach. A Patriot Award winner, Citizens Bank of Edmond is committed to military personnel and family members, with many of its staff currently or previously serving the U.S. armed services. In September of last year, the bank announced the planned launch of a new financial brand offering bespoke financial services to newly enlisted members of the military.

“We are thrilled to partner with Jill Castilla, a true leader in the community banking industry, and her team at Citizens to empower every level of the organization with self-service access to the high value, actionable data that resides in its siloed banking systems,” said Kim Snyder, CEO of KlariVis. “With KlariVis, the bank will have daily insight into customer, product and financial trends across both its legacy bank and its niche digital bank, in one easy-to-use, automated platform that will allow employees to focus on what matters most, their customers.”

“Partnering with a team that not only shares our commitment to empowering communities but has been in our shoes as former bankers is powerful,” said Jill Castilla, President and CEO of Citizens Bank of Edmond. “Kim Snyder and the KlariVis team are the ideal partner for our bank and will allow us to focus more on our customers and how we can better serve them rather than creating reports.”

Kicking off their relationship, KlariVis is hosting an upcoming webinar, Why Data Should Be A Top Priority For Your Bank, tomorrow, Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 2 p.m. ET where Castilla will join Charles Potts, EVP & Chief Innovation Officer of ICBA, and Hunter Young, Founder & President of HIFI Agency, to discuss why data is the key to bank transformation.

Source: Company Press Release