In a move that promises to reshape the investment landscape, AssetLink, the first AI-powered, bidirectional platform for asset managers and financial advisors, officially launches today. Led by Devon Drew, founder & CEO and one of’s Ten to Watch in 2024, the platform connects buyers and sellers, bringing unprecedented efficiency and precision to investment discovery.

“The future of asset management distribution changes today and it starts with AssetLink,” said Drew. “We’re not just connecting buyers and sellers — we’re using machine learning to create precisely matched pairings between advisors seeking specific products and asset managers with the perfect solution. This eliminates wasted time, frustration, and misalignment, creating powerful, meaningful change in how our industry operates.”

AssetLink was developed to be the wealth management industry’s most modern and efficient tool for matching product fit and product need. The new platform allows asset managers to identify and contact advisors and accredited investors seeking specific fund types or strategies, while simultaneously allowing advisors to engage with individual asset managers, based on the attributes of their firms or funds they’ve built. In short:

Asset managers with cutting-edge products get their strategies to market, at scale, by leveraging the information available on AssetLink, regardless of the size of their sales team.

Advisors get better access to a wider variety of funds, without wasting time with flatfooted cold calls or poorly-crafted direct messages and emails.

AssetLink shortens sales cycles, saves buyers and sellers time and energy, and fuels financial innovation.

“I wish AssetLink had been around earlier in my career,” said Josh Brown, CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management and an early adopter of AssetLink. “It’s a highly effective deployment of technology. As an advisor, I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve lost interacting with wholesalers who weren’t offering me the products my clients actually needed. AssetLink eliminates that inefficiency, saving me time and making my conversations with fund managers far more productive.”

Some of the asset managers using the platform for customized searches and outreach to advisors and investors include JP Morgan, American Century Investments, Simplify, Krane Shares, Harbor Capital Advisors, and Shenkman Capital. As of today, the platform features 67 asset managers with profiles and approximately 7,400 advisors who have opted in.

Source: Company Press Release